Biodiversity Net Gain

Working with clients to achieve minimum 10% Biodiversity Net Gain and planning success.

What is Biodiversity Net Gain? Biodiversity Net Gain is a new compulsory planning condition which commenced in January 2024 for major projects. In April 2024 it will extend to all but the smallest planning permissions to ensure a development site is 10% richer in terms of biodiversity after construction. It is a requirement of all planning applications with the exception of householder applications and those which affect no more than 25m2 of habitat. It was introduced in the Environment Act 2021 to support biodiversity enhancement and is applied through the planning process. The primary aim is to enhance biodiversity on-site, i.e. within the development boundary. Alternatively, off-site credits can be purchased to enhance the biodiversity of sites elsewhere if space isn’t available within your own development boundary.

Understanding your local planning authority requirement is key to a successful planning application. As an ecological and arboricultural consultancy practice, Future Arbor provide technical advice regarding Biodiversity Net Gain, to help you prepare and plan ahead. We combine Phase I Habitat surveys, Biodiversity Net Gain Plans and Tree Reports on behalf of clients, making BNG and planning less onerous. If you would like help with your planning submission and the Biodiversity Net Gain process, please call for an informal chat and we will help you better understand how we can help with your planning proposal.

Intertidal zones tend to be species rich with an incredibly diverse range of habitats: The Glandyfi (A487) road widening scheme

To start your journey with BNG, check out the statutory guidance, published at the website, here: